My favorite song
🌻1. Treat you better ➡ title of song
🌻2.( Shawn mendes ) ➡ the singer
I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop
I know I can treat you better
Than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted cryin'
When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can
I'll stop time for you
The second you say you'd like me to
I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing
Baby, just to wake up with you
Would be everything I need and this could be so different
Tell me what you want to do
'Cause I know I can treat you better C
Than he can H O S And any girl like you deserves a gentlema U F O Tell me why are we wasting time ➡➡ R N On all your wasted cryin' O G When you should be with me instead S
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can
Better than he can
Give me a sign
Take my hand, we'll be fine
Promise I won't let you down
Just know that you don't
Have to do this alone
Promise I'll never let you down
'Cause I know I can treat you better C
Than he can H S
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman U O O
Tell me why are we wasting time ➡➡ R F N On all your wasted cryin' O G When you should be with me instead S
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can, oh oh
Better than he can
Better than he can
🌻4.I like the song because I really like the singer. Shawn has a very good voice. He has a typical voice that is rather hoarse and soft. Many Shawn songs are already very famous because they have beautiful tones with lyrics that have meaning. Listeners may get carried away in every lyric for the sake of song lyrics.
🌻5. What do the songs tell about?
This song tells of a girl who even though she was unhappy with her lover but insisted to look good and pretend to be happy even though she was not at all. And there was a man who persuaded her and was willing to wait for her to want this woman with him. because being with him will make this woman will live a more and decent life. he will get a respectable man and he will end his suffering to get a better life.
🌻6. This song is pop type
🌼1. So am I ➡title of song
🌼2. Ava max ➡the singer
Do you ever feel like a misfit?
Everything inside you is dark and twisted
Oh, but it's okay to be different
'Cause baby, so am I (So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I-I)
Can you hear the whispers all across the room?
You feel her eyes all over you like cheap perfume
You're beautiful, but misunderstood
So why you tryna be just like the neighborhood?
I can see it, I know what you're feelin'
So let me tell you 'bout my little secret
I'm a little crazy underneath this
Underneath this
Do you ever feel like a misfit? C
Everything inside you is dark and twisted H O S Oh, but it's okay to be different U F O 'Cause baby, so am I R N (So am I, so am I, so am I) ➡ ➡ O G Do you ever feel like an outcast? S You don't have to fit into the format
Oh, but it's okay to be different
'Cause baby, so am I
(So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I-I)
Oh so, dressed so fancy like Sid and Nancy (Yeah)
Walkin' Killer Queen, gotta keep 'em guessin'
So baby come pass me a lighter
We're gonna leave 'em on fire
We're the sinners and the blessings
I can see it, I know what you're feelin'
So let me tell you 'bout my little secret
I'm a little crazy underneath this
Underneath this, ooh
Do you ever feel like a misfit?
Everything inside you is dark and twisted C O S
Oh, but it's okay to be different H F O
'Cause baby, so am I U N
(So am I, so am I, so am I) ➡➡ R G
Do you ever feel like an outcast? O
You don't have to fit into the format S
Oh, but it's okay to be different
'Cause baby, so am I
(So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I-I)
You're king and you're queen
You're strong and you're weak
You're bound but so free
So come and join me
And call me Harley
And we'll make a scene
Do you ever feel like a misfit?
Everything inside you is dark and twisted C O S
Oh, but it's okay to be different H F O
'Cause baby, so am I U N
(So am I, so am I, so am I) ➡➡ R G
Do you ever feel like an outcast? O
You don't have to fit into the format S
Oh, but it's okay to be different
'Cause baby, so am I
(So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I-I)
🌼4. I like this song because this song has a very good and deep meaning. This song can also motivate someone to not feel inferior because it is not the same as the others. This song teaches someone to stay who they are and not have to be the same as others. Because being different does not mean bad but different is unique. This song teaches someone to stop humbling themselves and start loving themselves.
🌼5. This song tells how someone doesn't have to be someone else to be something unique because if they don't try to look the same as someone else, then later they will become something unique. Here a person is taught to love oneself not to pursue too much perfection because ultimately everything is imperfect.
🌼6. This song is Electropop type
Kamis, 16 April 2020
Selasa, 14 April 2020
narative text :tangkuban perahu
Turn story that has sad ending into a happy ending
Once in West Java, Indonesia lived as a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. His name is Dayang Sumbi. He really likes weaving. Once he wove cloth when one of his tools fell to the ground. He was so tired at the time that he was too lazy to accept it. Then he shouted loudly.
'Is anyone there? Bring me my tool. I'll give you a special gift. If you are a woman, I will think of you as my sister. If you are a man, I will marry you
Suddenly a male dog, named Tumang, came. He brought him a falling tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. He regretted his words but he could not deny them. So he must marry Tumang and leave his father. Then they lived in a small village. A few months later they had a son. His name is Sangkuriang. He is a handsome and healthy boy.
Sangkuriang really likes hunting. He often went hunting in the forest using his arrows. When he goes hunting Tumang is always with him. In the past there were many deer in Java so Sangkuriang often hunted deer.
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have a deer's heart so he asked Sangkuriang to hunt deer. Then Sangkuriang went to the forest with an arrow and his faithful dog Tumang. But after a few days in the forest, Sangkuriang could not find a deer. They all disappeared. Sangkuriang is tired and hopeless. He did not want to disappoint his mother so he killed Tumang. He did not know that Tumang was his father. At home he gave Tumang's heart to his mother.
But Dayang Sumbi knew that it was the heart of Tumang. He was so angry that he could not control his emotions. He hit Sangkuriang on the head. Sangkuriang got hurt. There is a scar on his head. He also kicked out his son. Sangkuriang left his mother sadly.
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He roamed everywhere. One day he arrived in his own village but he did not realize it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At that time Dayang Sumbi was given eternal beauty by God so that she remained young forever. The two don't know each other. So they fell in love and then they decided to get married.
But then Dayang Sumbi recognized the scar on Sangkuriang's head. He knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It is impossible for them to get married. But court lady Sumbi did not say to Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang hopes they will get married soon. But Dayang Sumbi provided very difficult conditions. He wants Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! He said he needed it for honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of jinn and spirits, Sangkuriang tried to build them. By midnight he had completed the lake by building a dam on the Citarum river. Then he began to build ships. It was almost dawn when he was almost done. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi continued to watch them. He was very worried when he knew this. So he made lights in the east. Then the spirits thought that it was dawn. It's time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their help he could not finish his boat.
Sangkuriang is very angry. He kicked the boat. Then the ship turned out to be Tangkuban Perahu Mountain. That means the boat is upside down. From a distance it looks like an upside down boat.
Then Sangkuriang left Sumbi ladies, seeing that Sumbi ladies shouted to Sangkuriang that she was his son, Sangkuriang turned away and looked at his mother softly "is that true?" "You are my child and therefore I do not want to marry you, do not leave the mother," answered lady Sumbi firmly.
After waiting for so long Sangkuriang approached his mother and embraced him, they finally returned home together and lived happily as mothers and children.8
Fourteen days of quarantine
Over the past two weeks many activities that previously could not be done very long at home are now even longer at home with various activities. These are all caused by the corona virus. This virus was originally located in China precisely in the wuhan this disease is very detrimental to patients ranging from coughing to acute shortness of breath so as to avoid that the government applies social grouping methods one of which is to dismiss students throughout Indonesia so that they are not exposed to the virus, we are required to comply with government regulations to remain at home and study at home. Initially after receiving the news about studying at home it was fun but it turned out to be a lot of burden and bored at home a lot of tasks that had to be completed on time. There were lots of notification of assignments arriving in the class group. But with the study at home I spent more time with my family I eat together, gather together, until cooking together, I also often cook at home when trying to recipe new recipes that I see on YouTube.
in addition to family gatherings at least we are required to live and adopt a healthy lifestyle such as frequent hand washing with a mask and using hand sanitizer when leaving home. at home I also often help my mother starting from cooking, washing dishes, washing clothes, delivering mom's shopping, cleaning the room, cleaning the house, and others to keep it clean too to ease my mother's burden. I also often exercise in the morning rest and also walk with my brother and sister. At home I also have to take care of my cat every week I have to bathe it to feed it every day. now it feels more and more homesick for wanting to meet friends again, play together, get pocket money. being at home for 2 weeks feels bored but there are also interesting things.
Jumat, 03 April 2020
Dampak covid-19 terhadap perekonomian dan solusinya
Dampak corona /covid19 terhadap perekonomian serta solusi untuk menanganinya .
○Dampak :-menurunnya pendapatan perusahaan juga tempat pariwisata
-terancamnya karyawan yang terkena phk karena tidak memiliki fasilitas yang memadai di rumah
-habisnya bahan bahan kebutuhan
-harga yang melonjak naik
-menurunnya devisa negara
○Solusi :-caranya dengan mengikuti anjuran pemerintah terkait sosial distancing agar memutus rantai penularan hingga nantinya cepat berlaku .
-mengerahkan semua daya untuk melakukan pengawasan
-pemerintah harus menjamin perekonomian masyarakat yang terdampak juga dengan bantuan sosial seperti keluarga harapan,kartu indonesia sehat ,kip dll.
-memperbanyak program padat karya tunai dari kementrian dan lembaga serta terjaminnya ketersediaan bahan pokok .
Banyak sekali tentunya dampak dampak yang disebabkan karena adanya corona /covid 19 salah satunya berdampak pada perekonomian apabila pandemik covid 19 ini terus terjadi dalam jangka waktu yang sangat lama maka otomatis akan sangat merusak dan mempengaruhi kegiatan perekonomian . terutama pada daerah yang terdampak ,banyaknya dampak yang sangat merugikan mulai dari menurunnya kurs hingga penurunan pendapatan juga terancam pemberhentian berbagai karyawan .salah satu menteri juga telah memberikan pernyataan terkait dengan menurunnya tindakan perekonomian .
"Kami bank indonesia LPS ,OJK memperkirakan pertumbuhan perekonomian indonesia turun 2,3% bahkan bisa negatif 0,4 %" kata mentri sri mulyadi dalam vidio confrance di jakarta rabu 1 /4/2020
Kegiatan perekonomian sangat terganggu terutama pada para pedagang jalanan dan pedagang yang lainnya mereka tidak diperbolehkan untuk menjalankan pekerjaannya ditengah tengah pandemik virus corona ini .lalu bagaimana mereka mencukupi kehidupan itu kan mata pencaharian mereka .jika mereka tidak mendapatkan uang lalu bagaimana mereka bisa makan .itu sangat berpengaruh besar terhadap kehidupan rakyat kalangan bawah .jika pemerintah tidak segara turun tangan dan memberikan solusi bagaimana nasib mereka yang setiap harinya harus berdagang dan mengaduh nasib di jalanan .
Lalu virus corona juga mengancam para pekerja karyawan karyawan mereka terancam phk .dikarenakan pengurangan karyawan atas himbauan dari pemerintah untuk tetap dirumah menghindari tersebarnya virus .seharusnya kan ada work from home tapi kan tidak semua karyawan memiliki fasilitas yang memadai di rumah jadi itu juga dapat mempengaruhi pemberhetian karyawan
Juga terdapat pengaruh besar terdapat sektor pariwisata kita tau sendiri bahwa sektor pariwisata adalah penyumbang devisa yang cukup besar terhadap negara .dengan keadaan yang sekarang ini maka devisa negara akan mengalami penurunan hingga terhentinya saluran devisa negara .
Nah kita sebagai warga negara indonesia harus turut ikut dalam menjaga agar virus corona /covid 19 ini tidak semakin merebah dan menjadi parah .cara mengatasinya Dimulai dari kesadaran masyarakat masyarakat itu sendiri dulu ,jika mereka tetap saja ngeyel dan bertindak seenaknya maka tidak akan teratasi dengan baik tapi jika mereka bisa mengikuti himbauan dari pemerintah maka masalah akan teratasi dengan sedikit sedikit .dan untuk masyarakay yang bergantung pada kegiatan ekonomi di luar ruangan dan harus berkecambung dengan keramaian diharapkan untuk tetap menjaga diri dan sebisanya menjaga jarak menjaga kebersihan hingga memakai masker .pemerintah harus segera memberi solusi dan menjamin kehidupan sosial hingga ekonomi agar masyarakat yang kehidupannya bergantung pada kegiatan ekonomi bisa melaksanakan himbauan untuk tetap dirumah saja dan tidak sering keluar rumah .
○Dampak :-menurunnya pendapatan perusahaan juga tempat pariwisata
-terancamnya karyawan yang terkena phk karena tidak memiliki fasilitas yang memadai di rumah
-habisnya bahan bahan kebutuhan
-harga yang melonjak naik
-menurunnya devisa negara
○Solusi :-caranya dengan mengikuti anjuran pemerintah terkait sosial distancing agar memutus rantai penularan hingga nantinya cepat berlaku .
-mengerahkan semua daya untuk melakukan pengawasan
-pemerintah harus menjamin perekonomian masyarakat yang terdampak juga dengan bantuan sosial seperti keluarga harapan,kartu indonesia sehat ,kip dll.
-memperbanyak program padat karya tunai dari kementrian dan lembaga serta terjaminnya ketersediaan bahan pokok .
Banyak sekali tentunya dampak dampak yang disebabkan karena adanya corona /covid 19 salah satunya berdampak pada perekonomian apabila pandemik covid 19 ini terus terjadi dalam jangka waktu yang sangat lama maka otomatis akan sangat merusak dan mempengaruhi kegiatan perekonomian . terutama pada daerah yang terdampak ,banyaknya dampak yang sangat merugikan mulai dari menurunnya kurs hingga penurunan pendapatan juga terancam pemberhentian berbagai karyawan .salah satu menteri juga telah memberikan pernyataan terkait dengan menurunnya tindakan perekonomian .
"Kami bank indonesia LPS ,OJK memperkirakan pertumbuhan perekonomian indonesia turun 2,3% bahkan bisa negatif 0,4 %" kata mentri sri mulyadi dalam vidio confrance di jakarta rabu 1 /4/2020
Kegiatan perekonomian sangat terganggu terutama pada para pedagang jalanan dan pedagang yang lainnya mereka tidak diperbolehkan untuk menjalankan pekerjaannya ditengah tengah pandemik virus corona ini .lalu bagaimana mereka mencukupi kehidupan itu kan mata pencaharian mereka .jika mereka tidak mendapatkan uang lalu bagaimana mereka bisa makan .itu sangat berpengaruh besar terhadap kehidupan rakyat kalangan bawah .jika pemerintah tidak segara turun tangan dan memberikan solusi bagaimana nasib mereka yang setiap harinya harus berdagang dan mengaduh nasib di jalanan .
Lalu virus corona juga mengancam para pekerja karyawan karyawan mereka terancam phk .dikarenakan pengurangan karyawan atas himbauan dari pemerintah untuk tetap dirumah menghindari tersebarnya virus .seharusnya kan ada work from home tapi kan tidak semua karyawan memiliki fasilitas yang memadai di rumah jadi itu juga dapat mempengaruhi pemberhetian karyawan
Juga terdapat pengaruh besar terdapat sektor pariwisata kita tau sendiri bahwa sektor pariwisata adalah penyumbang devisa yang cukup besar terhadap negara .dengan keadaan yang sekarang ini maka devisa negara akan mengalami penurunan hingga terhentinya saluran devisa negara .
Nah kita sebagai warga negara indonesia harus turut ikut dalam menjaga agar virus corona /covid 19 ini tidak semakin merebah dan menjadi parah .cara mengatasinya Dimulai dari kesadaran masyarakat masyarakat itu sendiri dulu ,jika mereka tetap saja ngeyel dan bertindak seenaknya maka tidak akan teratasi dengan baik tapi jika mereka bisa mengikuti himbauan dari pemerintah maka masalah akan teratasi dengan sedikit sedikit .dan untuk masyarakay yang bergantung pada kegiatan ekonomi di luar ruangan dan harus berkecambung dengan keramaian diharapkan untuk tetap menjaga diri dan sebisanya menjaga jarak menjaga kebersihan hingga memakai masker .pemerintah harus segera memberi solusi dan menjamin kehidupan sosial hingga ekonomi agar masyarakat yang kehidupannya bergantung pada kegiatan ekonomi bisa melaksanakan himbauan untuk tetap dirumah saja dan tidak sering keluar rumah .
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Turn story that has sad ending into a happy ending Id.m.wikiped...
Over the past two weeks many activities that previously could not be done very long at home are now even longer at home with various activit...
My favorite song 🌻1. Treat you better ➡ title of song 🌻2.( Shawn mendes ) ➡ the singer 🌻3. LYRICS...